More money and new research strategy
SSF’s new research strategy applies until 2021. It embodies a strategic research and has the following main points:
- Requirements for quality research (fortified excellence criterion) combined with the researcher’s freedom to choose scientific method and run the project
- Accelerate the impact of research and utilization (enhanced relevance criterion)
- Increased focus on the techniques of scientific technologies within and between the Foundation’s areas of ICT, Life Sciences and Materials research.
– The Foundation has great confidence in the community, with an expectation of continued progressive investment in Swedish research at a time when society is changing rapidly, says SSF’s CEO Lars Hultman. The Foundation is an independent actor and facilitate cross-boundary collaboration between disciplines.
More is needed
The new strategy involves an almoust fifty percent increase in the decision-making framework for research grants to 1 billion SEK per year, which means that the fund’s capital will be depleted before 2030. For new calls after 2025 and continued activities beyond 2030 a recapitalization of the Foundation is needed. Sweden needs more strategic research to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
To work strategically
SSF is funding research in engineering, medicine and science with the aim to strengthen Swedish competitiveness. The research shall be excellent and relevant to meet business and society’s great challenges.
The Foundation works strategically through both the choice of research topic and contribution forms that are predominantly open calls. Examples are the framework programs in strategically important areas of research, career support and other targeted initiatives. The intention is to encourage interdisciplinary cooperation, utilization of research, use of research infrastructure, mobility between academia and industry, as well as internationally. The Foundation selects projects based on two main criteria:
- Relevance and expected impact in the community
- Scientific quality
In addition, different subcriterias are applied from case to case:
- Interdisciplinarity
- Internationalization
- Mobility across sectors
- Leadership
– A research strategy invites interaction between society’s many stakeholders for mutual benefit, concludes Lars Hultman.