Another 22 million to Ukrainian researchers
SSF was the first to grant grants to Ukrainian researchers who took refuge in Sweden. That was in March 2022 – now, two years later, the researchers have had the opportunity to apply for extended grants.
28 Ukrainian researchers, who took refuge in Sweden after the outbreak of the war, are now doing research at 12 Swedish universities with the help of SSF’s grant, close to SEK 41 million was awarded.
In SSF’s new call, addressed to the same researchers, 24 new grants have now been granted after the scientific review. Thus, an additional SEK 22 million will be distributed starting in 2024, that is, a total support of just over SEK 63 million during the years 2022–2025.
The projects are, among other things, about creating renewable fuels from sunlight, water and CO2, about developing diagnostic analysis methods for early detection of fungal attacks on Swedish pine forests, and about purifying water from PFAS with the help of hydrogel created from the forest raw material lignin.
For further information, please contact:
Research Secretary Jonas Bjarne, jonas.bjarne@strategiska.se, 08 – 505 81 673
Program manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, 08-505 816 65