Apply to SSF Agenda 2030 Research Centers (ARC) on Future Advanced Technology for Sustainability
SSF is announcing a new call for proposal, SSF – ARC. Four research centers will be granted the sum of 40-60 MSEK each in the following areas:
1. Future Nuclear Power
2. Plant Biotechnology, including GMO and CRISPR/Cas9
3. Hydrogen/Fuel Cells
4. Next Generation of Antibiotics and/or Actions to Prevent
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) announces SEK 200 million in a national call for Agenda 2030 Research Centers on Future Advanced Technology for Sustainability. These shall be mission-oriented with challenge-driven research that meets the highest international scientific standing and promotes innovation, i.e. span technology readiness levels 1-5. The call drives transformation with interdisciplinary research within the above listed visionary areas for substantial impact on sustainable development within our generation with a 10-15 year horizon and bey
• Last date for applications: January 21 2020, 14:00 CET at the latest
• Decision by the SSF Board: June 2020
• Project start: August 2020
No additional material submitted after deadline will be considered.
Please note that the Foundation is subject to the Principle of Public Access to Official
Records (Offentlighetsprincipen). Thus, applicants should avoid submitting material that
they do not wish to be made public, e.g., information that could prevent patenting.
Get the call to SSF-ARC19 here!
Contact persons at SSF:
Mattias Lundberg, Scientific Secretary, tel.: +46-8-505 81 678, e-mail:
Joakim Amorim, Research Programmes Manager, tel.: +46-8-505 81 665, e-mail: