Apply for SSF’s Research Institute doctoral students!
SSF invests SEK 20 million in research institute doctoral students, FID-22. The grants go to employees of a research institute who want to obtain a doctorate in science, medicine or technology.
Eight projects will be granted SEK 2.5 million each. The grant will cover funds for research and postgraduate training for a doctoral student who is employed at a research institute (the definition of SSF´s research institute is at the bottom of this article), in collaboration with academia. The grant runs for four to five years and must result in a doctoral degree.
The purpose of the call is to support excellent research within SSF’s fields of activity, to promote cross-fertilization between different sectors and to contribute to the training of strategically competitive PhDs.
The program is aimed at people who are not already accepted for a doctoral position.
The recipient of the grant must be at least 80 percent employed at the research institute during the entire grant period. There must be two well-qualified people supervising the doctoral student during the period, one at the university and one at the institute. The supervisor at the institute is an applicant and becomes the project manager for the approved project. Educational institutions and institutes must be active in Sweden.
The project must have a steering group consisting of at least the two supervisors. To strengthen the application, a co-supervisor can also be appointed at a cooperating company or clinic.
The deadline for applications is 30 November 2022, at 2 p.m. Project start is estimated to be 1 August 2023 at the earliest and 31 December at the latest.
Download the announcement here!
SSF’s definition of a research institute is that:
- it is an organization that is run as an institute and has research as its own main business
- the organization is largely grant-funded and therefore not mainly financed directly via a principal.
See examples of research institutes that are eligible to apply here!
Is your institute not included? Contact research secretary Johan Nilsson, johan.nilsson@strategiska.se, to ensure whether you can apply or not!
Contact persons:
Johan Nilsson, Research Secretary, johan.nilsson@strategiska.se, phone 08 – 505 816 74
Joakim Amorim, Program Manager, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, phone 08 – 505 816 65