Big Data – New call for proposal!
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research is pleased to announce a new call for proposal – Big Data and Computional Science! The program is designed as a framwork grant of SEK 200 million. Selected projects will be supported by grants of SEK 4-7 million per year for a period of 5 years.
The techniques of Big Data give grand opportunities in areas as different as materials design, system biology, and scientific visualization. The combination of statistical, mathematical, and computational methods has already led a revolution in telecommunication. It has resulted in dramatically improved simulations, e.g., for industrial development and manufacturing and, increasingly, in healthcare. It is also driving particular technological developments, like image-based search and automatic language translation, more virtual content in movies, etc.
In industrial settings intractably large data sets emerge in many ways, including the maintenance of large technical systems, simulations of next-generation industrial product construction and manufacturing and as collections of user data from market-leading apps.
Research areas included in this call that are considered strategic for Sweden, alone or in combination, are:
- Visualisation, simulation and modelling
- Tools and algorithms for high-performance computing and computational science
- Data Mining
- Database Systems
- Applications to Large Information Systems
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Last date for applications is 10 May 2016, 14:00 CET at the latest. Project start is 1 January 2017
For more information, please contact: Scientific Secretary Olof Lindgren, Scientific Secretary, tel.: +46-8-505 81 669, e-mail: olof.lindgren@strategiska.se or
Research Programmes Manager Joakim Amorim, tel.: +46-8-505 81 665, e-mail: joakim.amorim@strategiska.se