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Last date for applications

31 Jan 2019

CET 00:00
Earliest project start is estimated to

1 Aug to 31 Nov

Postdoctoral fellowships in Japan 2019

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) is participating in a joint programme with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) aimed at stimulating young Swedish researchers to conduct cooperative research activities with leading Japanese research groups. This postdoctoral fellowship program covers a one to two-year stay in Japan at an academic institution funded by JSPS. SSF has the opportunity to select and nominate maximum two candidates to JSPS, who makes the decision on fellowships. For information on JSPS, see www.jsps-sto.com.

Application deadline is 31 Januari 2019. Note that the application should be sent to the JSPS offices in Stockholm (and NOT to SSF).

For further information, contact joakim.amorim@strategiska.se


Information sheet JSPS 2019

Application forms, postdoctoral JSPS 2019