Call for proposals
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research awards grants to strategic research in science, engineering and medicine totalling SEK 600 million annually. The goal is that the research should ultimately be of benefit to Swedish industry and society. Some ten or so calls for proposals are announced each year, formulated slightly differently according to the nature of the research being funded. The grants mainly take the form of research group grants and individual grants, the latter with an emphasis on the talented young. SSF also sponsors programmes that encourage mobility between academia and industry.
SSF invests 60 million in cyber resilience for AI systems!
Over the past 10 years, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, has invested more than …
Last date for applications 2 Sep 2025, 14:00
Apply for SSF Industrial Doctoral Student 2025!
It is time to apply for this year’s grant for Industrial Doctoral Student! SSF is investing …
Last date for applications 21 May 2025, 14:00