Can the semiconductor shortage be solved with new technology?
New episode of the podcast About Science: According to experts, the lack of semiconductors that occurred during the pandemic will last a long time. The automotive industry has had real problems and both Volvo and Scania have had to temporarily stop production. The mobile industry and really everyone who builds electronics in some way are also affected. But what can be done about it? Can new technologies such as quantum computers and organic electronics replace today’s semiconductor technology and solve the shortage?
Guests: Christer Svensson, Professor Emeritus at Linköping University, Per Delsing, Professor of Quantum Technology at Chalmers University of Technology, Johan Lindberg, National Coordinator at Vinnova and Jonas Mattsson, Editor-in-Chief at Forskning & Framsteg.
Host: Sofie Pehrsson
iTunes: Kan halvledarbristen lösas med ny teknik?