New analysis of SSF’s utilization grant
In the report “Influence of SSF’s funding for Utilization of Research Results 2009 – 2021” it is stated that SSF’s “utilization grants” have had a major impact on researchers’ motivation to utilize their research. The amounts have been sufficient, but there is some potential for improvement.
One of SSF’s goals is to create bridges between basic research and needs-motivated research where the results are useful. Since 2009, three percent of SSF’s major research grants have therefore been locked up to be used for utilization of research results. The money can, for example, be used for patent costs, investigations into scale-up possibilities or the production of a prototype – more examples are specified in contract appendix 2.
SSF has been unique in Sweden with the three percent requirement for utilization and has received a lot of attention and great interest from research financiers, academia, industry and ministries.
In a new report, the contribution and its effect have now been analysed. The study is based on a review of final reports and applications for utilization projects, a digital survey to main applicants of those who received utilization grants, interviews with some of the grant recipients, and an international comparison. A total of 166 projects with a combined budget of 281 million Euros have been included in the study.