Pre-notice on the impending call for joint research proposals between SSF, Sweden and NRF, South Korea
The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) have agreed on issuing an International Joint Research Program starting 2024. SSF and NRF are planning to launch a Call for joint Korean/Swedish research proposals that will be open SE: February 15 to April 15, 2024, KR: February 26 to April 15, 2024.
This call for proposals addresses strategic joint research projects of excellent science in Natural science, Engineering and Medicine for a sustainable future development. The call is open for proposals that, broadly defined, reside within, or contribute to the development of the 12 strategic research technology fields which are agreed between NRF and SSF: Semiconductor and display; Secondary battery cell; Leading-edge mobility; Next generation nuclear energy; Leading edge biotechnology; Aerospace and marine; Hydrogen; Cybersecurity; AI; Next generation communications; Leading edge robotics and manufacturing; and quantum. Funding is preliminary planned to be provided according to 10 projects, approximately MKRW 200 / MSEK 1.63 per project, year, and country, for 3 years. Proposals must be prepared jointly by a South Korean and a Swedish PI resulting in a common research plan submitted to respective country’s funding agency. SSF and NRF review process will be running during mid-2024 and approved projects can plan to start November 1, 2024.
If you are interested in this Call, please contact your partner in the other partner country now and start planning to be able to submit a proposal in good time before the deadline, April 15, 2024.
For questions, please contact: Joakim Amorim, Research Programmes Manager, SSF, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, +46 8 505 81 665.