New call: “Biotechnology and plant breeding – food, feed and forest products”
SSF is investing SEK 120 million to increase Swedish self-sufficiency and food exports and at the same time reduce climate impact. Four interdisciplinary projects with clear plant breeding strategies, in the areas of food, feed and forest products are funded. The research must be at the forefront and be of strategic importance to Swedish society and industry.
By the year of 2050, there will be around 9 billion people on earth. In order for the food to be enough for everyone, great efforts are required. Research in agriculture, forestry and macro- and microalgae cultivation is crucial for the future long-term sustainable production of food, feed and biofuels. They also demand that countries around the world must use efficient and innovative technologies, adapted to regional conditions, to ensure food production. Being at the forefront of the areas of food and feed research also increases the degree of self-sufficiency and preparedness in the event of a crisis. In addition, increased self-sufficiency can lead to shorter transports of food and feed and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The proposed research within “SSF Biotechnology and plant breeding – food, feed and forest products” shall have the highest international standard and be a collaboration between several research areas. The projects can use genetic modification and methods for gene editing with, for example, the gene scissors Crispr / Cas9. Granted projects receive a grant of four to seven million kronor per year over a 5-year period.
Last day to apply is March 16, 2021 at 14:00!
Download the press release here!
For more information please contact:
Scientific Secretary Åsa Jansson, asa.jansson@strategiska.se, +46 733 58 16 72
Program Manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, +46 733 58 16 65!