Protect your garden with animals, fungi and bacteria
New episode of the podcast Om Vetenskap! How are you going to get rid of the pests that eat your strawberries? Well, by adding other animals, so-called utility animals. With biological plant protection products, you can put an end to both insect and fungal attacks and diseases that affect your plants. But how does it work? Is it dangerous? And, what biological pesticides are out on the market and what is the research focusing on?
Guests: Professor Johan Stenberg at SLU’s center for biological control, Ulf Nilsson, PhD in plant protection biology and horticultural advisor at Fritidsodlingens riksorganisation, FOR, and Jonas Mattsson, editor-in-chief of Forskning & Framsteg.
Host: Sofie Pehrsson.
If you have an interesting research area that you think we should cover in the podcast, please let us know at sofie.pehrsson@strategiska.se. And feel free to listen to the previous episodes, all super current, as research takes its time.