The HSS09 Conference - Universities & Society in Cooperation
- Reference number
- IAb08-0012
- Start and end dates
- 090601-090603
- Amount granted
- 100 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- Luleå University of Technology
- Research area
- Other
The HSS biannual conference, first held in Dalarna in 1999, will bring together more than 400 people from academia, industry and other organisations. The aim of HSS is to highlight and improve cooperation and interchange between the parties. Target groups of HSS09 include students, industry, other organisations, researchers, and media. Thereby HSS is a powerful vehicle to inform and to transfer research findings from academia to the surrounding society. HSS09 will be held June 1-3 2009 at Luleå University of Technology. Parts of the contents are strongly connected to the mission of SSF. For instance, the product development research activities at both Faste lab (a Vinn Excellence center) and DesignLab will be highlighted. At the Faste lab innovative research is conducted in cooperation with companies, their customers and suppliers. Hence, all parties are involved already early on in the product development process, through innovative methods, computer simulations, and distributed engineering. DesignLab is a multi-disciplinary research lab which, in cooperation with industry and other organisations, is developing new profitable products, services, and production methods that are adapted to humans. Information on the product development research will be presented (often jointly) by students, practitioners, researchers and others. The main purpose is to increase the interest for, and knowledge of, cooperative product development among students, industry, researchers, etc.