Novel Arc-Deposition for Designing Multifunctional Films
- Reference number
- I06-0233
- Start and end dates
- 070901-101231
- Amount granted
- 3 000 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- Linköping University
- Research area
- Materials Science and Technology
Reliable low temperature thin film deposition methods are required to produce multifunctional thin films or coatings for tomorrow’s industrial applications in Sweden. A precise composition and structure of the material is of vital importance to assure its performance. Hence, the main objective for my research program is to form a platform for application inspired basic research on material synthesis based on cathodic arc. This powerful tool will be used to promote synthesis of materials with tailor-made properties, achieved by a combination of plasma characterisation, thin film synthesis and atomistic modelling. A particular emphasis will be put on synthesis of multifunctional coatings at low temperature, with use of energetic ion bombardment as the tool to control the film structure and the composition, also with respect to unintentionally incorporated material. Binary metal oxides and alloys will be investigated, motivated by industrial need as expressed by for example Swedish leading tooling industry, and optimised/unique properties are expected. New materials encourage new process techniques, and therefore, engineering research on traditionally used cathodic arc sources will be combined with development of a new unique arc system based on plasma generation with multiple cathodes. The latter will enlarge the parameter space for plasma processing, and facilitate formation of new phases, materials and nanostructures.