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Mass Spectrometry Imaging Infrastructure

Reference number
Start and end dates
Amount granted
15 000 000 SEK
Administrative organization
Uppsala University
Research area
Life Sciences


We propose to upgrade and improve the Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) Infrastructure at Uppsala University. The technology program proposed herein will involve significant development of techniques for MSI at high spatial resolutions of as little as a few microns, three dimensional imaging, and high sensitivity profiling and imaging based on intelligent on-tissue derivatization for monitoring less abundant species. In addition, biocomputational resources will be created to complement the technological advances and enable their routine use by biologists and medical research investigators whose experience with the technology is limited. In parallel, important activities of the Center will involve selected research collaborations that would significantly benefit from the developing technology of MSI, and the provision of core capabilities including ultra-high mass resolution FTICR instrumentation and expertise to external collaborators. The newly developed technologies will be used in biological studies involving high spatial resolution imaging of drugs and their metabolites during drug development, quantitative imaging of multiple neurotransmitters and endogenous metabolites imaging in neurodegenerative disorder models, and studies of cancer. Training and dissemination of the technology will be accomplished through courses, individual scientific visits by established scientists and trainees, and publication of the outcomes of both the technology and application programs.

Popular science description

The disease process is the result of many molecular changes that occur in an organ or tissue of the body; measuring what these changes are vital to our understanding of how to treat a patient to stabilize, reverse and even eliminate these disease processes. The central technology of this Resource, Mass Spectrometry Imaging, gives the research scientist and physician a new and unprecedented view of these molecular changes. Such a view is an essential part of personalized medicine where each patient’s specific disease characteristics are treated in a individual and specific manner.