VINST- Researchers in collaboration with smaller high-tech companies
- Reference number
- A515
- Start and end dates
- 010101-061231
- Amount granted
- 29 007 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- Vinnova (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems)
- Research area
- Other
VINST allocates grants for research projects conducted in collaboration between researchers at Swedish universities and/or research institutes and companies which have self-developed products on the market and want to set a higher goal for their activities. The new knowledge generated should benefit the individual company and group of researchers, and in the long run also the research community, industry, and society at large. "The funds of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research are meant to support participating university researchers in projects which are conducted in collaboration with a smaller technology-based company and are of importance to the growth of the company in a more long-term perspective than its current product development. The funds of VINNOVA correspondingly can be used to support participat-ing university and/or institute researchers.