THz Metamaterials for Communications and Sensing
- Reference number
- UKR22-0018
- Start and end dates
- 230101-241231
- Amount granted
- 2 000 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
- Research area
- Information, Communication and Systems Technology
Summary. «THz Metamaterials for Communications and Sensing». Project goal: The host, Prof. Joachim Oberhammer at KTH, has access to the unique technology MEMS for applications in the sub-terahertz (THz) frequency range. The visiting professor, Prof. Alex Zhivkov, has outstanding experience in design novel metamaterials for microwave and THz frequencies. The goal of the project is to combine these competences and to create novel telecommunication and sensing devices in the sub-THz. Such devices are of strategic importance for future telecommunication, as THz 6G and JCAS. The host has an ongoing SSF framework grant “THz communication – now”, which will strongly benefit from the proposed work. Project objectives: 1."Investigation of these novel THz metamaterials. 2."Design of THz frequency range metamaterial based on MEMS technology. 3."Implementation of microwave device prototypes as functional demonstrators. The following main tasks must be solved: 1."Research on the regularities of resonance effects in metamaterial cells (Fano resonance, etc.), and creation of a methodology for their design to achieve the specified characteristics. 2."Concepts and design of metamaterial cells manufacturing technology using MEMS technology. 3."Implementation of new designs of MEMS metamaterial cells. Expected results - functional components of communication devices and sensors of THz range, manufactured by MEMS technology.
Popular science description