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Prediction tools for ice-water systems during climate change

Reference number
Start and end dates
Amount granted
1 434 747 SEK
Administrative organization
Stockholm University
Research area


The main objective of the planned collaboration is to develop strategic prediction tools for the effects and feedbacks of climate change on natural ice-water systems and linked socio-economic sectors. In practice, this implies to develop methods and models that quantify the effects of climate change on hydrological flows. These flows have impacts on applications such as water supply, power production (hydropower plants), mining, industrial waste storage on the land surface and in the bedrock, and opportunities for carbon dioxide sequestration and storage in geologic formations. The work plan consists of utilizing state-of-the-art groundwater flow models, developed by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, together with the unique competence on climate change, hydrologic systems, and socio-economic analyses available at Stockholm University. The work will include to develop and test concepts and application examples of methodologies and models, and to initiate writing of scientific publications during the cooperation period. Expected results primarily include scientific papers on methods and models for prediction of climate change effects on natural hydrologic systems and linked socio-economic sectors. The presented results will serve as a basis for research institutes, state agencies and private consulting companies within the environmental sector to develop tools for their own use.

Popular science description

Den främsta målsättningen med det planerade samarbetet är att utveckla strategiska prediktionsverktyg för att studera effekter och återkoppling av klimatförändringar på naturliga is-vattensystem och kopplade socio-ekonomiska sektorer. I praktiken innebär detta att utveckla metoder och modeller som kan kvantifiera effekterna av klimatförändringar på hydrologiska flöden. Dessa flöden har betydelse för tillämpningar såsom vattenförsörjning, kraftproduktion (vattenkraft), gruvdrift, industriell avfallslagring på mark och i berggrund, och för möjlighet till koldioxidsekvestrering och -lagring i geologiska formationer.