Impact of Science 2017 conference
- Reference number
- vdb17-0001
- Start and end dates
- 170101-171231
- Amount granted
- 130 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- AESIS: Network for Advancing & Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science
- Research area
- Other
OUTLINE FOR THE SWEDEN IMPACT AWARD BACKGROUND Since societal impact has become a standard task in most of the scientific world, a great deal of attention has been focused on how to demonstrate this impact. Accountability has led to the need of measurable indicators and preferably international standards. An award, organised by an international, independent organisation, outside the science policy areas, can contribute to and support the development of such standardised and measurable indicators, by organising an award which rewards the synergy between world class research and societal impact.
Popular science description
OUTLINE FOR THE SWEDEN IMPACT AWARD BACKGROUND Since societal impact has become a standard task in most of the scientific world, a great deal of attention has been focused on how to demonstrate this impact. Accountability has led to the need of measurable indicators and preferably international standards. An award, organised by an international, independent organisation, outside the science policy areas, can contribute to and support the development of such standardised and measurable indicators, by organising an award which rewards the synergy between world class research and societal impact.