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Creating anticorrosion materials using nanotubes

Reference number
Project leader
Brychka, Serhii
Start and end dates
Amount granted
1 000 000 SEK
Administrative organization
Stockholm University
Research area
Materials Science and Technology


Main objectives Develop anticorrosion materials with use of natural clays with nanoscaled feature. Enhancing scientific achievements and integrating in arena of science and innovation in Sweden. Condensed work plan (i) Production of anti-corrosion materials that are also pigments that can respond to a pH change in the environment; (ii) Establishing the physical and chemical characteristics of the related nanomaterials; (iii) Testing materials with respect to healing and anticorrosion properties. Expected results We expect that: (i) development of self-healing systems (triggers) of anti-corrosion pigments; (ii) demonstrate the high potential of pigment materials in anticorrosion protection and their sustainability; (iii) optimization of processes for the production of industrial scales; (iv) publication of scientific results in open sources.

Popular science description

The future of chemical materials according to smart systems. The action of molecules for the treatment of people, to ensure corrosion resistance occurs as necessary. This makes it possible to improve people's lives. Often, anticorrosion products have a significant toxic effect on humans and the environment. Reducing the dose of anti-corrosion pigments to ensure the stability of structures obviously reduces the negative impact on living beings. For sustainable development, it is important that products have a long shelf life. The goal of the work is also to increase the effectiveness of pigments for a long time. For example, car bodies begin to corrode after about 10 years of operation. Smart anti-corrosion additives can delay corrosion up to 100 years.