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Neutron investigation of defects, and residual stress in AM

Reference number
Project leader
Pant, Prabhat
Start and end dates
Amount granted
2 857 143 SEK
Administrative organization
Uppsala University
Research area
Materials Science and Technology


Additive manufacturing (AM) gives a huge opportunity for manufacturing complex shapes which cannot be produced using traditional means. This project deals with issues of defects and residual stresses (RS) in AM and relates them to the processing conditions using novel techniques. Following are the objectives, work plan and expected outcome from the project. Objectives: Relating process parameters to defect size and morphology and RS. Characterize parts with known defect size to monitor the defect evolution in real-time. Establish neutron grating interferometry (nGI) as the go-to method to access defects in complex AM components. Work plan: Process parameter identification for low RS and defect formation and sample prepartion. Identification and classification of different types of defects. Benchmarking of nGI technique for defect detection with other non-destructive techniques such as X-ray computed tomography(XCT) optimization of nGI technique with help of mathematical model insitu test on the deformed sample with optimized nGI technique, comparison with XCT. Expected results: Model to describe the defects via nGI technique to further optimize the technique for application to other classes of materials. Evolution of defects in plastically deformed sample studied and related to loading conditions. A better understanding of the relation between the process parameters and defect formation. Process parameters for low RS and low defects identified.

Popular science description

In-service reliability of metallic components comes from the ability to predict their behavior and to prevent failure with careful design of the material, processing technology, and the component itself. With the rapid growth of laser-based additive manufacturing technology to manufacture lightweight components with enhanced performance, more and more complex shapes are being produced. Out of various issues in additive manufacturing (AM) technology, defects, and residual stresses (RS) originating during manufacturing presents a high risk for earlier component failure than expected or at lower loading conditions than designed. In this project, different print strategies and their implication on defect formation and RS together with defect evolution under loading will be studied with help of a specialized neutron imaging technique.