Save the date: Photonics and Electronics Conference 2017
Place: Lund, Lund University, Sweden
Time: 7th September 2017
Main target group: People working within photonics and electronics at academia and/or industry
Programme: Four international keynote speakers and eight framework SSF-grant projects will be presented, including poster session. Conference dinner is included.
Registration to the program and full programme will be announced June 2017
The electronics and photonics industry is of fundamental significance for today’s IT-dependent society. The semiconductor, materials and equipment industry generates the basic conditions for the huge global electronics industry. On top of this, the fibre optics communication industry is growing in importance.
In Sweden the ICT hardware sector has been dominated by the telecommunication company Ericsson. On the SME-side there is, however, a quite large fauna of companies, exploring the many different aspects of the ICT hardware sector, for example: Mycronic – world leading nanoelectronic mask writer company, Axis – world leading network video solution supplier (with in-house chip system design), Silex – world recognised general purpose MEMS foundry, Transmode – global provider of packetoptical networking solutions, Nanoradio (today owned by Samsung) – low energy WiFi circuit design company, just to mention a few that are innovated largely within the realms of Sweden.
Sweden also harbours several research environments within the academic and institute sector with both excellent scientific quality and high relevance for Swedish society, according to an international review of the area.