SSF helps researchers apply for EU grants in Horizon Europe
The Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) will support Swedish researchers in the work of applying for EU grants in the Horizon Europe (HEU) program, the EU’s framework program for research and innovation. Through the call “EU Horizon Europe Research Application Support: Leverage of Swedish Research “, the foundation allocates SEK 10 million for applicants who already have ongoing SSF projects or have completed such projects after January 2018.
This Call is directed exclusively towards all Principal Investigators (PI’s), i.e. approved main or co-applicants, in SSF’s Framework Programs (rambidrag), Centres (Strategiska centra, such as IRC, ARC) or Individual programs Ingvar Carlsson Award (ICA), Future Research Leaders (FFL), and Research Infrastructure Fellows (RIF), independently of field of research. The SSF-projects must be either ongoing or having ended after January 1 2018. The call is hereby directed towards some 700 selected researchers to which SSF has granted a project portfolio worth approx. SEK 5 billion.
Selected projects will receive SSF-grants maximized to SEK 300 000 or SEK 500 000, depending on the applicant’s role in the proposed future HEU-project.
The last day to apply is 17 May 2021 at 14:00.
In addition, SSF also changes its general terms and conditions for all projects that receive grants of more than SEK 5 million from the foundation. It is now permitted to use up to SEK 500,000 of the SSF grant for the work with applications to HEU. The beneficiary does not need to contact SSF in advance for approval, but reports on this in the annual report.
Get the call for proposal here!
For more information, please contact:
Scientific Secretary Jonas Bjarne, jonas.bjarne@strategiska.se, 073 – 358 1673
Scientific Secretary Gergana Hamberg, gergana.hamberg@strategiska.se, 073-358 16 76
Program Manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, +46 733 58 16 65!