SSF invests 240 million in instrument, technology and method development
Technique development is a necessary factor for competitive research and industrialization. Yet, direct public funding with this aim is largely lacking. SSF therefore invests SEK 240 million in the national announcement “SSF Works: Instrument, Technique, and Method Development Projects 2017″.
Innovative researchers and research engineers who develop new processes and technologies must have the resources needed to develop tools as for research ahead. The newly established SSF program encourages this development and promotes career paths for specialists who wants to work together with the academy, industry and health care.
The last day for application is 21 March 2018, 14:00. Earliest project launch will be January 1, 2019.
Contact persons at SSF:
Mattias Lundberg, Scientific Secretary, tel.: +46 8 505 81 678, e-mail: mattias.lundberg@strategiska.se
Joakim Amorim, Research Programmes Manager, tel.: +46 8 505 81 665, e-mail: joakim.amorim@strategiska.se