SSF invests SEK 200 million in software development in SSF Future Software Systems!
Digitization is as socially revolutionary as industrialization has ever been. When huge amounts of data are to be processed into useful information, in an ever shorter time and closer to the user, a powerful digital infrastructure is required. But for that, new and innovative software is needed. That is why SSF now is investing SEK 200 million in the call SSF Future Software Systems (FuSS).
FuSS focuses on three research areas. With the first two “Future Software Challenges” and “Future Advanced Software Development”, SSF wants to encourage researchers to come up with new ideas for software development and software systems. The aim is to reach new software solutions and also generally increase Sweden’s competence in advanced software development with a focus on security, robustness and energy efficiency.
The third area is “Next generation wireless communication software” and is application-oriented software for future 6G systems. Sweden is today an international leader in wireless data communication. It is of strategic value to protect and develop this position well into the future. SSF has previously invested in a number of 6G-related hardware projects in the program SSF CHI – Computing power and hardware for ICT infrastructures, which is now complemented with the investment in software for 6G.
With former CHI and current FuSS, SSF is investing a total of SEK 400 million in research for the digital infrastructure of the future under the motto Towards Seamless Core-to-Edge Computing.
The last day to apply is October 11, 2021, at 14:00
The decision on allocation will be made in April 2022, with the earliest project start in June 1, 2022.
Download the announcement here!
Download the press release here!
For more information contact:
Research Secretary Jonas Bjarne, jonas.bjarne@strategiska.se, 073-358 16 73
Program Manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, +46 733 58 16 65