SSF announces Industry Doctoral Student 2018
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) is allocating SEK 30 million for a programme for Industrial Doctoral/Licentiate Students during 2018. Each grant in the programme provides funding for one industry doctoral or licentiate student’s research and postgraduate studies, in collaboration between industry and academia.
The grant runs for two to five years and shall result in a doctorate (Ph.D.) or licentiate exam. SSF expects to fund 12-24 projects at SEK 2.5 million or 1,25 millon each (including indirect costs) in this call for proposals.
The deadline for applications is 2:00 pm on 18 April, 2018. The earliest project start is 1 December 2018 and not later than 2019-06-30.
Download the announcement here
Download the press release here!
Contact persons at the Foundation:
Mattias Lundberg, Scientific Secretary, +46 (0)73 358 16 78, mattias.lundberg@strategiska.se
Joakim Amorim, Research Programme Manager, +46 (0)8 505 816 65, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se