The Swedish Cyber Security Collaboration Conference 2021
Welcome to the The Swedish Cyber Security Collaboration Conference Thursday 2 December 2021! The purpose of the conference is to increase collaboration between ongoing cybersecurity projects, all of which are funded by Vinnova or SSF.
The day will offer short presentations of all projects with project exhibitions, a keynote speaker with current information in cybersecurity and provide the opportunity to network with relevant players in the industry.
Participating projects include:
- Panagiotis Papadimitratos, KTH: Secure and private connectivity in smart environments
- Bengt Jonsson, Uppsala University: aSSIsT: Secure Software for the Internet of Things
- Alexandre Proutiere, KTH: CLAS: Cyber-security for learning and control systems
- Martin Hell, Lund University: Secure Software Update Deployment for the Smart City
- Christian Gehrmann, Lund University: Cyber Security for Next Generation Factory
- Alejandro Russo, Chalmers: Octopi: Secure Programming for the Internet of Things
- Thiemo Voigt, Uppsala University: LifeSec: Don’t Hack my Body!
- Andrei Sabelfeld, Chalmers : WebSec: Securing Web-driven Systems
The hybrid event has room for 150 participants on site and the rest have the opportunity to join the event online. The conference is organized by the Innovation Node for cyber security (cybernode.se) on behalf of the Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, and Vinnova.
When: Thursday 2 December 09: 00-17: 00 (registration from 08:30)
Where: Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, street level, Kista
For whom: For you who are interested in Cyber Security!
Sign up here for the Collaborative Conference for Cyber Security 2021!