They receive SSF grants to write an EU application in 2024!
SSF supports Swedish researchers in the work of applying for grants within the Horizon Europe (HEU) program, the EU’s framework program for research and innovation. Out of a total of 16 applications, 8 were granted and will split SEK 3.6 million.
The support can be used by Swedish researchers in natural sciences, technology or medicine at Swedish universities or research institutes who in 2024 apply for the role of project coordinator for the HEU Pillar 2 project (Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness).
SSF’s ambition is to increase the participation of Swedish researchers in the EU’s research program Horizon Europe. Calls similar to this have been held annually since HEU started in 2021. In total, SSF has granted 39 projects, including this year’s grants. The ambition is to continue with annual calls for as long as Horizon Europe continues. A new call is scheduled to open in November 2024, please follow the SSF website for more information later.
Project manager |
Project title |
Organization |
Granted amount (SEK) |
Joydeep Dutta |
Circlewater |
495 465 |
Ali Hedayati |
Carbon Negative Bio-ammonia from Biogenic Residue |
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet |
500 000 |
Joakim Håkansson |
Coordination of proposal to Horizon Europe call |
RISE Borås |
500 000 |
Kerstin Jedvert |
Carbon capture and utilisation for the production of fuels |
Chalmers Industriteknik |
500 000 |
Jiantong Li |
Metal-free ocean wave energy converters |
500 000 |
Kristina Lundqvist |
Mitigation of risks in modern computer-controlled systems |
Mälardalens University |
497 541 |
Nebojsa Malesevic |
Bio-WEB |
Lunds University |
100 000 |
Richard Olsson |
Green ammonia production from hydrocarbons in wastewater |
500 000 |
For further information, please contact:
Research secretary Jonas Bjarne, jonas.bjarne@strategiska.se, 08-505 816 73
Program manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, +46 8 505 816 65