Time to apply for Industry PhD-grants
SSF is allocating SEK 30 million for a program for Industrial Doctoral Students during 2020. Each grant in the program provides funding for one industry doctoral student’s research and postgraduate studies, in collaboration between industry and academia. The grant runs for four to five years and shall result in a doctorate exam, PhD. SSF expects to fund 12 projects at SEK 2.5 million each (including indirect costs) in this call for proposals.
Collaboration between industry and academia is important for the dissemination of knowledge and technology in society. According to its statutes, SSF shall foster the development of strong research environments with high strategic relevance, promote postdoctoral studies and collaboration between academia and industry, and encourage mobility. One instrument to achieve this is to support doctoral studies in collaboration between academia and industry.
The purpose of the program is to contribute to needs driven excellent research within SSF’s areas of activity and to foster cross-fertilization between academia and industry. This can also lead to greater knowledge of the different conditions under which people work in academia and industry.