Time to apply for SSF Industrial Doctoral Student 2022!
To increase the collaboration between industry and academia, the Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, is investing 30 million SEK in industrial doctoral students. SSF expects to grant 12 projects, up to SEK 2.5 million each. The grant runs during the training period for the doctoral students and must result in a doctoral degree.
The purpose of the program is to contribute to excellent research in the areas funded by SSF: science, technology and medicine. The research will also promote cross-fertilization between academia and industry and contribute to the education of doctoral students in areas that are strategically relevant and strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness.
The initiative applies to people who have not yet been admitted to postgraduate education. During the grant period, the doctoral student must conduct research and be at least 80 percent employed at a company, and have two supervisors, one at the university and one at the company. The money will cover funds for research and postgraduate education. The university must be Swedish.
The main applicant is a supervisor for the doctoral student at the university. Co-applicant is the supervisor at the company. If the project includes clinical research, the company can be a hospital.
The last day to apply is 19 May 2022 at 14:00.
The project will start sometime between January 1 and June 30, 2023.
Download the announcement text here!
For further information contact:
Program Manager Joakim Amorim, joakim.amorim@strategiska.se, 08-505 816 65
Scientific Secretary Åsa Jansson, asa.jansson@strategiska.se, 08-505 816 72