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Studies of mitochondrial beta-barrel outer membrane proteins

Reference number
Start and end dates
Amount granted
2 100 000 SEK
Administrative organization
Stockholm University
Research area
Life Sciences


Mitochondria play a crucial role in pandemic human disease processes such as cancer and heart disease. In this proposal we aim to use to the combined expertise of the three groups to significantly increase the general knowledge of mitochondrial β-barrel outer membranes proteins (MBOMP). In particular we aim to increase the understanding of how the MBOMPs are targeted for the outer membrane. First, we will study the importance of the β−signal in MBOMPs for the membrane integration of MBOMPs. The second objective is to increase our structural understanding of MBOMPs. The third objective is to create a detailed model of protein-protein interactions involving MBOMPs. All these three tasks will use a unique combination of experimental and theoretical studies in Japan and Sweden We believe that our proposal is unique in its combination of the expertise in structural bioinformatics, sequence signals and experimental work on MBOMPs. In addition it will provide a platform for continued collaborations between the three involved partners. Obviously, given the central importance of the mitochondria in all cells, even new basic scientific knowledge about how mitochondria work will have a significant impact on all of the life sciences, notably medicine and bioengineering and might lead to the future development of drugs.

Popular science description

Mitokondrier är cellernas energifabriker och är därför viktiga för att celler skall fungera korrekt. Cancer och olika hjärtsjukdomar kan vara associerade med fel i mitokondriers funktion och utveckling av läkemedel med fokus på mitkondrier har påbörjats. Mitokondrier består av två membran och i denna studie fokuserar vi på det yttre av dessa membran. Proteinerna i detta membran kommer utifrån och transporteras dit. Nyligen har den första signalen för denna transport (b-signal) identifierats. Här kommer vi att fortsätta dessa studier för att bättre förstå hur de olika proteinerna i mitokondriernas yttermembrane transporteras dit samt hur de ser ut och hur de interagerar.