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Efficient Traceable Model-Based Dynamic Optimization – EDOp

Reference number
Start and end dates
Amount granted
Administrative organization
Linköping University
Research area
Information, Communication and Systems Technology


Model-based product development is an approach where a computer-based model of the product is built and refined before the actual production, to reduce costs, increase quality, and shorten time-to-market. Optimization is often used to improve product quality. This is however seriously limited by very long computation times for large parameter sweeps with many simulations of realistic product models. The main goal of this project is to develop a more effective approach by integrating optimization in the model-based approach. Models and optimization algorithms are combined into integrated models. To reduce execution time, such integrated models are compiled to efficient code for new multi-core architectures using enhanced parallel compilation technology. Profiling and debugging technology is developed to highlight sources of performance problems. Appropriate optimization algorithms and choice of algorithms adapted for application domains will be developed. To achieve this goal three groups at LIU are cooperating: parallel compilation, modeling and simulation tools, Modelica (PELAB, Prof Fritzson), optimization algorithms (Optimization, Prof. Holmberg), control and dynamic optimization (Vehicular Systems, Assoc Prof Eriksson). The work is done in close cooperation with industry to solve problems at Scania, Volvo CE, SKF, Siemens, ABB, process industry. Results will be available as an open-source tool integrated with OpenModelica, and in products from participating companies.

Popular science description

I det här projektet kommer förbättrade optimeringsmetoder och verktyg att tas fram vilka möjliggör simulering av relativt stora och komplexa system, inkluderande diskontinuiteter, snabbt och med hög tillförlitlighet. En sådan tillämpning rör automatisering av ett pappersbruk där idag en manuell optimering görs årligen. Med hjälp av automatiserade rutiner skulle man kunna trimma pappersbruket oftare vilket i sin tur skulle leda stora energibesparningar. I en del fall det är önskevärt att kunna optimera kraftverksoperation, även i drift, gäller det att optimeringen ska köras i realtid och ska vara snabb. En tredje område är energiförlusts-optimeringar med en målfunktion som är beräkningstung. Med tillgång till symbolisk transformation av modellen kan man automatiskt optimera systemet med hjälp av simulering istället för statistisk hantering med färre körningar som följd.