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SV På svenska

Adjunct Professor in translational immunotechnology

Reference number
Project leader
Ellmark, Peter
Start and end dates
Amount granted
1 499 999 SEK
Administrative organization
Lunds tekniska högskola
Research area
Life Science Technology


The main objective of the proposed project is to catalyze new constellations and research projects aiming to address the need for better translational models and improved understanding of the requirements on biological drug candidates. This is important since there is a need for improved translational model systems that predict clinical efficacy making the drug development process more successful bringing benefits to cancer patients. The proposed project aims to address both the need for improved translational models as well as the need to transfer know-how on development of biological drugs to the University. The focus of the first parts will be on model systems using patient derived samples to study the effects of immune therapies directly on immune cells and tissue from patients. The second part of the project plan is focused on enabling the applicant to contribute with important expertise to the University. This knowledge-transfer will occur within the SciLife framework but also a part of the newly installed program in Pharmaceutical Technology as well as in supervision of PhD students. The program is expected to contribute to the development of novel immunotherapies and new translational model systems. Further, transfer of knowledge from the biotech industry to the University is expected to ensure the quality of the pharmaceutical education at the University and in the long term keep Swedish biotech competitive at the international stage.

Popular science description

Syftet med ansökan är att finansiera en adjungerad professorstjänst på 20% vid avdelningen för immunteknologi, Lunds universitet. Projektplanen för den adjungerade professorstjänsten inbegriper dels att skapa samarbetsprojekt med syfte att utveckla mer effektiva immunterapier för cancerpatienter men också att överföra kunskap från Biotech-industrin till Universitetet med syftet att förbättra undervisningen inom läkemedelsutveckling vid Lunds universitet och därmed långsiktigt bidraga till Sveriges förmåga att utveckla biologiska läkemedel. Projektet kommer att utföras i samarbete med flera forskningsgrupper vid Lunds universitet, där forskningsgrupperna ledda av Professor Mats Ohlin och Professor Malin Lindstedt kommer att spela en avgörande roll.