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Dynamical interaction between power devices in the grid

Reference number
Start and end dates
Amount granted
795 600 SEK
Administrative organization
ABB Power Grids Research
Research area
Computational Sciences and Applied Mathematics


Objectives: Our main scientific objective with the planned visit is to gain a deeper understanding of dynamic interaction effects among power system components, especially power transformers, and with the surrounding grid. We think about this as an extension or complement to the classical topics of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI / EMC). On a personal level, the main goal is to deepen and intensify the exchange of ideas and the collaboration between the applicant Dierk Bormann (D.B.) and researchers at the school of electrical engineering at KTH, in particular Profs. Martin Norgren and Lars Jonsson. Work plan: Starting the 2nd half of 2017, we intend to build upon previous work of ourselves and others and to develop more detailed and efficient mathematical models and simulation algorithms for power system components, in particular transformers, and to use these new tools for studying the dynamical interaction among the components. Expected results: The described approach is expected to yield a better understanding of collaborative effects created by the interaction between different components, and in this way provides a complement to the usual approach to EMC / EMI, where primarily unidirectional cause-effect (or "culprit-victim") scenarios are considered. The expected outcome of the visit includes publication of the results in scientific journals, as well as their exploitation in an industrial context.

Popular science description

Detta projekt har som syfte att få en djupare förståelse av den dynamiska samverkan mellan olika komponenter i kraftsystemet som påverkar varandra i båda riktningar, antingen genom (avsiktliga eller oavsiktliga) elektriska signaler i ledare eller genom direkt elektromagnetisk strålning. På så sätt ser vi frågeställningen som ett komplement till de klassiska ämnena elektromagnetiska störningar och elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (EMC/EMI), där man vanligtvis utgår ifrån ett väldefinierat orsak/verkan- (eller ”skyldige/offer”-) samband i analysen av störningar. Resultaten av projektet förväntas således ha omedelbara tillämpningar i praktiken, med bäring både på design av komponenter och på systemarkitekturen.