Strategic Research Centre for Combustion Science and Technology
- Reference number
- A3 05:183
- Start and end dates
- 060101-121231
- Amount granted
- 40 000 000 SEK
- Administrative organization
- Lund University
- Research area
- Other
Combustion is a central process in several human activities; like heating, transport, travel and waste handling and it will remain so. The economy of Sweden relies on strong propulsion- and power generating industries producing cars, trucks and related products. Research that will allow us to improve efficiency and cleanliness of engines, gasturbines, furnaces, to optimize chemical processes decrease the damage of fires, etc will contribute essentially to competitiveness, sustainability and thus to the environment, the economy and employment, and to quality of life. The overall objective is to significantly strengthen the combustion related activities in disciplines ranging from advanced laser diagnostics to state-of the art fluid mechanical and chemical modelling at Lund University.the research activities are directed towards more fundmental and phenomenological aspects of combustion. The mission is to further develope and secure the groundbreaking scientific capacity at the centre and to transfer its results of near term as well as long term relevance to industry, society and the scientific community. The achievements so far include developement of diagnostic technique and modeling tools for detailed studies of early spray break-up, multi-dimensional imaging for combsution diagnostics ect.