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Heterogeneous integration with CMOS at KTH Electrum Lab

Reference number
Project leader
Hellström, Per-Erik
Start and end dates
Amount granted
15 000 000 SEK
Administrative organization
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Research area
Information, Communication and Systems Technology


The main objective of this project is to establish the capability to allow nanotechnology researchers to integrate innovative materials and devices with mixed signal CMOS electronics at the KTH Electrum Laboratory and thereby providing this capability to all academic researchers in Sweden, through the Myfab infrastructure for nano and microfabrication. If successful, we believe this would provide academic researchers in Sweden with a world unique infrastructure capability that can substantially enhance the science, research and developments made in KTH Electrum Laboratory and within Myfab. The RIF applicant, Per-Erik Hellström, will lead the project. In WP1, CMOS technology and circuits to support integration of innovative materials and devices are developed. We will implement the infrastructure for mixed signal design and fabrication of CMOS at KTH Electrum Laboratory to facilitate users with limited CMOS experience. In WP2-4, we will collaborate with faculty at KTH and Uppsala University to realize specific heterogeneous integration. WP2, 3 and 4 will guide the project team to develop process modules and circuits to enhance the performance of the technologies developed by the faculty. We envision that several of the developed process modules and CMOS circuits will be generic and can be reused in other areas than the specific areas chemical sensing (WP2), photonic integration (WP3) and 2D material integration (WP4) in this project.

Popular science description

I det här projektet så kommer Per-Erik Hellström att etablera en digital och analog CMOS design och tillverkningsteknologi vid KTH Elektrumlaboratoriet. Avsikten är att ge forskare inom forskningsfält så som nanoteknologi, sensores, fotonik och bioteknologi möjligheten att integrera elektronik i sin forskning, som ofta bygger på nya material eller innovativa komponentstrukturer. Med en CMOS teknologi som är integrerad med nya material och komponenter så kommer dessa forskare att kunna exploatera allt det som elektronik är bra på, så som data inhämtning, analog/digital data processning samt kommunikation. Tillsammans med professorer vid KTH och Uppsala Universitet så kommer teknologier tas fram för att demonstrera integration av CMOS elektronik med fotonik (till exempel lasrar och lusdetektorer), en kemisk pH sensor med hög detektionsförmåga, samt 2D material så som graphene, MoS2 och hBN.