Conference – Bringing New Materials to Market – April 25 2017
SSF and Vinnova cordially invite you to a conference for bringing high-level Materials Science research results to industrial reality.
Meet sharp minds in the material science and technology field! Come and join us for a full day of interesting talks and discussions, and listen to MIT-professor of Materials Chemistry, Donald Sadoway. Professor Sadoway was chosen as one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2012, and is a popular speaker about future energy systems. Among other speakers are State Secretary Eva Lindström, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, Serendipity, and leading researchers in academia and industry, innovators, and entrepreneurs within the material science field.
Preliminary Program
9.00 – 09.45 Registration + Coffee
09.45 – 12.30
Introduction – Charlotte Brogren, Director General, Vinnova and Lars Hultman, CEO, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
Swedish Government Strategic Partnership Program – Targeted effects on the Swedish research system – Eva Lindström, State Secretary to the Minister for Enterprise and Innovation
Major research infrastructures and their importance for Swedish research and innovation, John Womersley, Director General ESS, Tomas Lundqvist, Director Life Science and Industrial relations MAX IV, and Kristina Edström, Director SwedNESS – Research School on neutrons and MAX IV.
From knowledge to Innovation – Companies sprung from universities
Intro by Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, Serial entrepreneur and co-founder of the Serendipity Group
Disruptive Materials– Mattias Karls, CEO and Sara Frykstrand Uppsala University
OrganoClick – Mårten Hellberg, CEO
Insplorion– Elin Larsson Langhammer, Founder and Technical Director and Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO
12.30 – 13.45 Lunch
13.45 – 16.30
Innovation in Grid-scale Energy Storage: Inventing Inventors – Don Sadoway, Professor of Materials Chemistry, MIT
Networking/Poster Session + Coffee
Panel Discussion – Research and Innovation
Anna Hultin Stigenberg, Senior Technology Manager, Sandvik Coromant
Mattias Axelson, Department of Management and Organization, Stockholm School of Economics
Lennart Bergström, Department of Material and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholms University
Rose-Marie Yttergren, Head of Project Management Office, Research and Development, Höganäs
Sina Vosough, Head of Corporate R&D Consulting, ABB
Keynote Summary – Lars Hultman, CEO Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and Margareta Groth, Head of Industrial Technologies Department, Vinnova
16:30 – 18:00 Reception – Discussions and Networking + refreshments
The conference is held at Sheraton Stockholm and is open to all universities, research institutes, industry and others with an interest in Materials Science. The conference is arranged by SSF and Vinnova and is free of charge.
Take this opportunity to interact with colleagues and increase your network with industry, research institutes and academia!
All programs/projects, institutes and industries are encouraged to present their organisation/research in a poster session.
Please upload an abstract in your application below!
Please register before April 12.
Last day for registration is the 24:th of April. Register by mailing Mattias.blomberg@strategiska.se