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Research Infrastructure Fellows 2014

Belopp (milj kr)

Beskrivning av utlysningen

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research announces the availability of a total of SEK 240 million in grants in a national call for proposals directed towards research infrastructure that meet the highest international scientific standards and strengthen present or future Swedish-based industry and society. This initiative has a focus on infrastructure supporting research within the SSF’s priority areas. SSF:s selected Research Infrastructure Fellows will be supported by grants of SEK 15 million for a period of 5 years (incl. overheads) to be used for salary, research infrastructure tools, and running costs. After two and a half years, a programme committee will make site visits to follow up the implementation of the grant, which may affect funding for the remaining period.

Fullständig utlysningstext (pdf):

  Sökt Beviljat Beviljat i procent
Totalt antal ansökningar 34 15 44%
Livsvetenskaperna 11 5 45%
Bioteknik, medicinsk teknik och teknik för livsvetenskaperna 8 2 25%
Materialvetenskap och materialteknologier 11 7 64%
Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik 2 0 0%
Beräkningvetenskap och tillämpad matematik 2 1 50%
Övrigt 0 0 0%
Kvinnliga huvudsökande 4 3 75%
Manliga huvudsökande 30 12 40%
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