Kroniska inflammationer
- Diarienummer
- A3 07:233
- Start- och slutdatum
- 080101-121231
- Beviljat belopp
- 19 917 961 kr
- Förvaltande organisation
- Vinnova (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems)
- Forskningsområde
- Livsvetenskaperna
The programme is a co-operation between SSF, VINNOVA, Invest in Sweden Agency (ISA), The Knowledge Foundation (KKS), The Vårdal Foundation for Health Care Sciences and Allergy Research and the Swedish Rheumatism Association with a total budget of SEK 80 million. VINNOVA coordinates the efforts. The programme aims to develop a new comprehensive concept for multidisciplinary research and for the interaction between the academic sphere, business, and the health and medical care system within the field of chronic inflammation. The programme also aims to achieve new forms of treatment, and to ensure that Swedish business benefits from the results.