Compound Semiconductor Week 2020
- Diarienummer
- vdb20-0002
- Start- och slutdatum
- 200215-211014
- Beviljat belopp
- 100 000 kr
- Förvaltande organisation
- KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
- Forskningsområde
- Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik
The organizers of Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW2020) request SSF to sponsor the same in order to partially cover the travel- and lodging costs as well as the registration fees for the plenary speakers and the lecturers of the short courses. The short courses will form an integral part of the conference.
Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning
The organizers of Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW2020) request SSF to sponsor the same in order to partially cover the travel- and lodging costs as well as the registration fees for the plenary speakers and the lecturers of the short courses. The short courses will form an integral part of the conference.