Future Production Conference, Generic Methods and Tools
Welcome to The Future Production Conference – Generic Methods and Tools the 6 December!
Get insight of future industrial and scientific challenges and cutting-edge results from ongoing research within generic methods and tools from different technical fields as:
- Paper electronics
- Additive manufacturing, micromachining and laser technology
- Material science like cellulose nano-fibre and sintered steel processing
- Graphene for electronics and sensing
- Powder technology
- Cloud and robot factories
Eight projects within the SSF-program Generic Methods and Tools will present their mid-term results. The total investment is 250 milj SEK.
The conference will be located at Chalmers Conference Center in Gothenburg, Chalmersplatsen 1, 412 58 Göteborg.
8.30-9.00 Conference participants arrive for mingle and coffee
9.00 Welcome & presentation of the day. Moderator Prof. Magnus Wiktorsson, KTH, Joakim Amorim, CMO SSF, Anette Larsson, Professor at Chalmers
9.10 Keynote speaker: Bazmi Husain, Chief Technology Officer, ABB
10.20 Coffee
10.50: Keynote speaker: Kristian Martinsen, Prof., Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
11.50 LUNCH
13.20 Keynote speaker: Carmen Constantinescu, Prof. Dr.-Ing MBA, Fraunhofer Institute for Insutrial Engineering, Stuttgart
14.20 Panel discussion: Carmen Constantinescu, Kristian Martinsen, Bazmi Husain and Marie Jonsson, SAAB
15.00 Presentation of poster-session, closing remarks, and welcome to dinner. Anette Larsson, Professor at Chalmers Chalmers, Joakim Amorim, CMO, SSF
15.10 Poster session & coffee
16.30 Conference ends
18.00 – 20.00 Dinner. Location – same as conference location
You can no longer sign up!
For more information, please contact Mattias Lundberg, Mattias.Lundberg@strategiska.se , +46 73 358 16 78