Seminar: The Power of Storytelling April 19 – only a few places left!
SSF invites recipients in SSF projects to an exciting seminar, “The Power of Storytelling”. It is an introduction to storytelling as a way to communicate your research projects to reach different audiences ranging from funding agencies, decision makers, journalists and the general public. Emphasis will be placed on various forms of storytelling from public speaking, the elevator pitch to virtual reality. Merci Olsson, former Communications and Outreach Director Europe for National Geographic Society, will lead the seminar.
Please register below!
9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30-10.30 Session 1: The Art and Science of Storytelling, a brief overview and introduction of the history, concept and use of storytelling within different disciplines and public speaking. Setting the storytelling stage, the ice-breaker.
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00–11:30 Session 2: What Makes a Great Story and a Great Talk, practical examples of building stories, why it matters and how to design your own and tailor it to different audiences and scenarios. Useful checklist and how to make use of media assets.
11.30-12:00 Session 3: How to Develop Your Pitch and Voice, how to craft a concise and memorable talk without “dumbing” down your science.
12:00-13.00 Lunch
13:00-14.00 Session 4: Practice, breakout into small groups to develop and present your quick pitch to the group.
14:00-14:30 Session 5: Researchers & Storytelling, From the pre-seminar survey, participants can send in some of their own examples of good storytelling which we can review. SSF will also present examples of digital storytelling with video and social media.
14.30-15.00 Coffee
15:00-15:30 Session 4: Tools and the Story Map, from the mobile phone in your pocket, to Virtual Reality to identifying big and mini stories to feed into social media and other media channels.
15:30-16.00 Session 5: Wrapping it All Up, summary, tips on setting goals and practice.
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