Welcome to the Photonics and Electronics Conference – September 7 2017
SSF has the pleasure to invite you to a conference filled with interesting speakers and rewarding meetings. Listen to our key note speakers, starting with Dr. Walter Riess, the Head of the Science & Technology department at IBM Research. And be inspried by the presentations of eight framework grant projects supported by SSF.
8.30-9.00: Conference participants arrive for mingle and coffee
9.00: Welcome & presentation of the day, Lars Hultman, CEO SSF.
9.05: Towards Next Generation of Computing, Walter Riess, Dr, IBM, Switzerland.
9.45. Project Elevator speech:
Anders Larsson– Optical Interconnects
Ludvig Edman – Large Light Area
9.55: Guided-wave plasmon polariton waveguides.
Janelle Leger, Prof., Western Washington University, US.
10.35: Project Elevator speech:
Johan Liu – Carbon High Speed 3D GaN
Herbert Zirath – High datarate wireless
10.45: Coffee
11.15: Morphological Controls Toward Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Electronics.
Qibing Pei, Prof. UCLA, US.
11.55: Project Elevator speech:
Mikael Östling – Germanium nanowires
Lars-Erik Wernersson – III-V CMOS
12.05: LUNCH
13.30: Mobile Material Characterization and Localization by Electromagnetic Sensing .
Ilona Rolfes, Prof., Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
14.10: Project Elevator speech:
Joachim Oberhammer – MEMS terahertz systems
Magnus Berggren – Silicon-Organic Systems
14.20: Presentation of poster-session, Lund University representative
14.25: Poster session
15.55: Closing remarks and welcome to dinner
16.00: Conference end
18.00 – 20.00: Dinner
The conference is free of charge and is held at Elite Hotel Ideon, Scheelevägen 27, Lund, Sweden, Phone: +46 46 287 11 11
Contact Person: Mattias Lundberg, SSF, Mattias.Lundberg@strategiska.se , +46 73 358 16 78
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Walter Riess, Dr, IBM, Switzerland
Dr. Walter Riess is Head of the Science & Technology department at IBM Research – Zurich and coordinator of the Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center. The Zurich laboratory is home to world-class scientists representing more than 45 nationalities. Cutting-edge research and outstanding scientific achievements — including two Nobel Prizes — are associated with this Lab. The research activities of the Science & Technology department include future device concepts, quantum computing, personalized medicine, mobile health, human body data interfaces and nanotechnology.
Dr. Riess studied physics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, where which he earned a Ph.D. in 1991 and habilitated in 1996. From 1991 to 1995, he led the Polymeric Light-Emitting Device group of Experimental Physics II at the University of Bayreuth. In 1995, he joined the IBM Research – Zurich Laboratory as a research staff member working on organic light-emitting diodes (LED). In 1998, he became manager of the Display Technology group working on display applications of electroluminescent organic materials, which today are game-changing technologies used in many television displays and mobile devices.
Dr. Riess has received numerous IBM awards and recognitions, among them the prestigious IBM Corporate Patent Portfolio Award in 2005. In 2007, he received a Special Recognition Award from the Society for Information Display for his leading contributions to the design and development of a top-emitting large-area active-matrix organic light-emitting display driven by amorphous silicon thin-film transistors. In 2014 he was named Distinguished Research Staff Member at IBM Research – Zurich.
Dr. Riess has authored and/or coauthored more than 100 scientific papers and holds 70 granted patents. He is a senior member of IEEE, member of the German Physical Society, the Swiss Physical Society, and the Materials Research Society.
Prior to his professional career, Dr. Riess was an internationally ranked judoka. In 1979, he won the bronze medal at the European Judo Championship in Brescia, Italy.
Ilona Rolfes, Prof., Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Ilona Rolfes studied electrical engineering at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. From 1997 to 2005 she worked as scientific researcher at the Institute for High Frequency Techniques at Ruhr-University Bochum. In 2002, she received the Dr.-Ing. degree for her doctoral thesis: “Methods for the precise measurement of the scattering and the noise parameters of linear two-ports at microwave frequencies.”
From 2005 to 2009 she was Juniorprofessor in the department of electrical engineering at Leibniz University Hannover where she was Director of the Institute for Radiofrequency and Microwave Engineering from 2006 to 2009.
Since 2010, Ilona Rolfes heads the chair of Microwave Systems at Ruhr-University Bochum and is Vice Dean for research of her faculty.
Ilona Rolfes is member of acatech, the national academy of science and engineering. She is board member of the german IEEE MTT-AP chapter and acts as reviewer for various IEEE transactions and conferences. She is board member of ITG (Informationstechnische Gesellschaft) within VDE, board member of the german commission for electromagnetic metrology of U.R.S.I. (International Union of Radio Science) and Vice president of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV, Deutscher Hochschulverband), the main representation of all german university professors with more than 29.000 members.
Her fields of research are concerned with high frequency measurement methods for vector network analysis, material characterization, noise characterization of microwave devices as well as sensor principles for radar systems and wireless solutions for communication systems. Ilona Rolfes is author or co-author of more than 150 publications in reviewed reputable journals and proceedings of conferences, of a book on noise theory and of numerous patents. For her research activities she already received some awards, as the European Microwave Price of the European Microwave Conference 2001 and the IEEE MTT outstanding young engineer award in 2011.
Qibing Pei, Prof. UCLA, US
Qibing Pei is professor of materials science and engineering specializing in electroactive polymers. He worked successively as a senior chemist at UNIAX Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA, which was later merged into DuPont Display, a senior chemist at Imation Corporation, Santa Paul, MN, and a senior research engineer at SRI International, Menlo Park, CA.
He has developed a number of electronic and electroactive polymers for applications in electro-optic and electro-mechanical devices, including light emitting diodes, polymer light emitting electrochemical cells, electroactive polymer artificial muscles, and biologically-inspired robots. His research interests cover a wide range of soft materials and span from material synthesis, processing, to design of functional devices.
He applies polymer synthesis, solution-based processing and nanofabrication in the discovery of new functional polymers and composites. He has published about 120 papers in refereed journals with 8000 SCI citations and an H-factor of 41. He is inventor or co-inventor of 39 US patents.
Janelle Leger, Prof., Western Washington University, US
Janelle Leger is a Professor at Western Washington University, a primarily undergraduate institution in Bellingham, WA. She holds a split appointment between the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Chemistry, and is currently the Director of WWU’s Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Center (AMSEC).
AMSEC’s mission includes educating students in materials science, supporting interdisciplinary research, and encouraging private sector innovation by helping Pacific Northwest companies respond to technical challenges in materials analysis, research, and development.
Dr. Leger was a National Science Foundation (NSF) Discovery Corps Postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington Department of Chemistry from 2005 – 2008 after receiving her PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz from the Department of Physics. Her research group explores organic and hybrid electronic and optoelectronic devices as well as structures for subwavelength optics. She was recently selected as a Cottrell Scholar by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement and was the recipient of a NSF CAREER Award in 2011. Dr. Leger has mentored over 45 undergraduate students in independent, interdisciplinary scholarship since joining WWU in 2008.