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Nya röntgenkällor för medicinsk avbildning (Bio-X)

A3 05:170
Start- och slutdatum
Beviljat belopp
5 500 000 kr
Förvaltande organisation
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Bioteknik, medicinsk teknik och teknik för livsvetenskaperna


BX-043 Hertz - Brahme Novel compact x-ray sources for biomedical imaging Project Summary: Objectives, expected results, summary of the Project plan We seek to improve both resolution and contrast in medical x-ray imaging. The development is based on novel compact x-ray sources suitable for use in the normal-sized laboratory or clinic.. We have recently demonstrated a compact electron-impact hard x-ray source with potential for >100× higher brightness than current state-of-the-art compact sources by use of a liquid-metal-jet anode. Such a small source intrinsically will allow 10× smaller structures to be imaged just from geometrical optics. Furthermore, the higher spatial coherence of the source/optics combinations paves the way for improved contrast by phase imaging. The improved spatial resolution and contrast is especially important for angiography and mammography, where early detection of minute changes is important. In the present project we will develop the new liquid-jet-anode source to very high x-ray brightness and combine it with novel x-ray optics in order to perform phase imaging. The goal is medical imaging with very high resolution and contrast. For this purpose several issues, especially resolution, contrast and dose, have to be investigated on biomedically relevant test objects or phantoms. In addition, comparisons with other medical imaging techniques must be performed. The work will be performed in an interdisciplinary research environment formed by two groups, which encompass expertise in relevant fields: x-ray sources, x-ray optics, medical imaging, and radiation biology. Keywords for the project (to be found in international databases) X-ray sources, phase imaging, medical imaging.

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