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Konferensbidrag 2013

Belopp (milj kr)

Beskrivning av utlysningen

Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) have together identified potential positive synergies with a common research programme between Sweden and Korea, considering the innovative strength and complementarities of the research areas in both countriesi. SSF and NRF have decided to investigate the interest among the scientific community to embark in Swedish-Korean research projects. The first step in this process is to announce travel grants for a scientific workshop in Korea, June 11 – June 13, 2013. The purpose of the workshop is to present samples of high level research from both countries to each other and thereby facilitate development of new ideas for common research endeavors among scientist from both countries.

Fullständig utlysningstext (pdf):

  Sökt Beviljat Beviljat i procent
Totalt antal ansökningar 35 15 43%
Livsvetenskaperna 5 1 20%
Bioteknik, medicinsk teknik och teknik för livsvetenskaperna 7 4 57%
Materialvetenskap och materialteknologier 15 5 33%
Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik 8 5 63%
Beräkningvetenskap och tillämpad matematik 0 0 0%
Övrigt 0 0 0%
Kvinnliga huvudsökande 7 2 29%
Manliga huvudsökande 28 13 46%
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