Trådlösa tjänster och infrastrukturer till lägre kostnad
- Diarienummer
- A3 02:120
- Start- och slutdatum
- 020101-071231
- Beviljat belopp
- 24 000 000 kr
- Förvaltande organisation
- KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
- Forskningsområde
- Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik
The aim of AWSI program has to evaluate and demonstrate the feasibility of new architectures for future ("4th Generation") affordable mobile multimedia services in both technical as well as economical terms as well as identifying key bottleneck research issues in The aim of AWSI program has to evaluate and demonstrate the feasibility of new architectures for future ("4th Generation") affordable mobile multimedia services in both technical as well as economical terms as well as identifying key bottleneck research issues in the design. The interaction between services and the infrastructure and it capabilities becomes of paramount importance if we are to provide services that are both desirable (of suitable quality) and affordable. The classical telecommunication approach is to provide strict Quality-of-Service guarantees at very low levels in the network hierarchy. Although this approach works reasonably well in wideband wireline systems where bandwidth is cheap, it, thus far, has failed in mobile systems with “any-time any-where” wireless access. In the programme this problem has been attacked in two ways: a) Through innovative infrastructure concepts with unprecedented low cost-levels but without strict QoS and “full coverage” guarantees, and b) Through novel context and resource aware middleware and services that provide good user perceived performance although the access network does not provide good service.