Strategiskt forskningscentrum för systemlösningar för kvantdatorer
- Diarienummer
- A3 02:138
- Start- och slutdatum
- 030101-081231
- Beviljat belopp
- 30 000 000 kr
- Förvaltande organisation
- Chalmers University of Technology
- Forskningsområde
- Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik
This centre aims at components for future electronics. The director has a background in low temperature superconductivity and its device applications, and has teamed up with a room temperature Si electronics group with great experience of Si-based room temperature electronics. The research concerns quantum devices whose functionality is based on charge or quantum phase, the superconductivity implementation of quantum computing as well as the integration of nanodevices into CMOS and the combination of SETs (Single Electron Transistors) with room temperature Silicon field effect transistors. The essential component championed by this centre is the high frequency SET, which is an ultra sensitive amplifier and suitable, for example, for achieving readout in the hot discipline of quantum computing. Other novel device concepts include polaronic effects and spin SETs.