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Strategiskt forskningscentrum inom nanovetenskap

A3 02:133
Start- och slutdatum
Beviljat belopp
40 000 000 kr
Förvaltande organisation
Lund University
Materialvetenskap och materialteknologier


This centre is based on the strength of the consortium in the growth and characterization of semiconductor materials. It deals with the development of nanodevices emphasising both functionality and materials science aspects. The range of devices, working principles and application areas planned are very broad, ranging from single molecule sensors for protein analysis to more conventional Si/SiGe-components, but all relying on nanoscale techniques and material properties. In general the areas chosen are those where the group has a great deal of technical experience and expertise. The projects include devices based on optical, electronic and opto-electronic principles. The centre relies heavily on external and international collaboration.

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