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New Terahertz receivers at for Earth remote sensing

auriacombe, olivier
Start- och slutdatum
Beviljat belopp
1 499 863 kr
Förvaltande organisation
Chalmers University of Technology
Informations-, kommunikations- och systemteknik


The main objectives of the project are to design and simulate two dual-polarisation integrated receivers operating at 874 GHz and 1200 GHz, for future compact small-satellite or cube-sat space missions for remote sensing. The work to be performed within this project is: - The designs and simulations of Terahertz x2 multiplier (output frequency of 440GHz & 650GHz) - The designs and simulations of two Orthomode transducer (OMT) probes (874 GHz & 1200 GHz) - The designs and simulations of the integrated Terahertz Sub-harmonic Mixers’ MMIC with OMT probes (874 GHz & 1200 GHz). - The designs and simulations of two spline horn antennas (874 GHz & 1200 GHz) - The designs and simulations of the two receiver's radiometric performances (874 GHz & 1200 GHz) - Manufacturing of all mechanical parts required - Assembly and test of all commercial components purchased for the testing of the two proposed receivers - Breadboarding activity with manufacture and measurements of the OMT dual-polarisation concept Results will be state-of-art performances of Schottky diodes receivers operating at 874 Ghz and 1200 GHz. The OMT breadboarding will gives state-of-the-art cross-polarisation discrimination at 874 GHz and 1200 GHz. Manufacturing of all mechanical parts and assembly of commercial components will be done within the project.

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

Earth atmosphere remote sensing is a primordial scientific and technological activity to monitor global warming and its impact on the climate. The relevant way to do so is to use the microwave/Terahertz frequency range to observe molecules’ emissions in the atmosphere. AAC Omnisys together with the Terahertz and Millimeter Wave Laboratory at Chalmers University of Technology have been leading the development of microwave spaceborne radiometers for remote sensing applications. The dual polarization receiver concept invented and validated between AAC Omnisys and Chalmers University of Technology is a critical added functionality with the potential to be a key feature in many applications for space and atmospheric science looking at earth observation and planetary exploration. The proposed activity will also strengthen AAC Omnisys as an instrument provider in general and the specific technology and Chalmers University as a high-frequency Schottky diodes MMIC manufacturer. AAC Omnisys, together with Chalmers University of Technology, will design and develop two Terahertz integrated dual polarization receivers at 874 GHz and 1200 GHz. Those frequency channels are the continuity of the New space approach taken in the development of the Arctic Weather Satelite, for upcoming strategic opportunities for future meteorology and climate research missions. The current demand to implement integrated dual-polarization technology is broad, especially for missions where small satellites require high sensitivity and dual-polarization measurements.