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Två dimensionel kvant optoelektroniska komponenter

Zwiller, Val
Start- och slutdatum
Beviljat belopp
10 000 000 kr
Förvaltande organisation
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Materialvetenskap och materialteknologier


Vi kommer att utveckla nya optoelektroniska komponenter med tvådimensionella material och etablera nya industriella processer i samarbete mellan svenska och taiwanesiska forskningsgrupper. Integrerade fotoniska komponenter kommer att generera och manipulera enstaka fotoner vid telekomvåglängder; systemen kommer att implementeras i kvantnät-testbäddar både på KTH och i Taiwan. Komponenter kommer att tillverkas genom utbyte av material, processer och forskare. Vi kombinerar våra respektive styrkor: tillväxt på full-wafer i Taiwan följs av överföring av de atomiskt platta lager med en KTH-process. Vi designar, tillverkar, testar och använder system i stor, full-wafer skala för att generera, manipulera och upptäcka ljus med ny prestanda i fråga om effektivitet, hastighet och integrerbarhet. Detta projekt kommer att resultera i nya ljuskällor, detektorer och integrerade fotoniska kretsar samt tillverkningsprocesser, immateriell egendom, publikationer i inflytelserika tidskrifter, workshops, utbildning, studentutbyte och tekniska demonstrationer. Våra komponenter kommer att vidga gränserna för kommunikationsteknik genom att möjliggöra nya kvantmaterial för minskad energiförbrukning och ökad informationssäkerhet. Vårt arbete med tvådimensionella system med full-wafer utgör en milstolpe i industriell produktion av nya material med direkt tillämpning i nya kommunikationsteknologier.

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

Light generation and detection is important for communication and sensing technologies. To generate single photons, we currently rely on materials incompatible with silicon with important limitations preventing industrial applications. Here, we develop new devices to generate light efficiently with new atomically thin films on silicon wafers with standard fabrication processes on full wafer scale dimensions. A powerful technique to grow two dimensional materials on large scales was developed at the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, an important advantage over the current technique limited to small flakes. With a new technique developed at KTH, we transfer atomically thin films over complete wafers. This large scale process is compatible with standard industrial processes and will result in unprecedented large structures. We will realize large-scale integrated single photon sources and couple them to integrated photonics circuits as well as to frequency conversion devices to obtain indistinguishable single photons at telecom wavelengths. Fundamental questions such as the nature of the light emission in these materials along with new concepts to tune emission frequency using strain will also be addressed. The devices will be implemented in quantum networks to validate new quantum communication protocols. To guide our development, we bring together a strong industrial advisory board with important industrial actors in Sweden and Taiwan: TSMC to ensure industrial relevance of the new fabrication processes, Ericsson to optimize industrial significance of the devices and software to be implemented in quantum communication networks. Two-dimensional materials can also be used in gas sensing applications, a field where we have already established proof of concept experiments, Sense Air will guide us to further develop environmental monitoring devices. With HP Photonics, a leader in the field of frequency conversion, we will adapt the most efficient frequency conversion techniques to generate single photons at telecom frequencies. The intellectual property produced in the project will be assessed with KTH innovation. To realize our goals, we will exchange scientists, materials and fabrication processes between Sweden and Taiwan, we will hold a yearly general meeting alternating between Stockholm and Hsingchu. Extended stays of one month by senior PIs will take place in both directions and PhD students will all spend six months in the other country.